Benchwork indoors Layout - Anlagenunterbau Innenanlage


the benchwork for the future "Hodge City" goes on. the material used consists mostly of unusable leftovers from the local carpenters.


Der Unterbau fuer "Hodge City" geht weiter. das Material ist groesstenteils Ausschussware von den oertlichen Tischlern.


the bench is a mix of iron and plywood. below the layout i got some shelves for storage of my materials.
(curious thing: men and women seem to spell differently. for the word "materials" my wife uses the spelling j-u-n-k...)



for a start not benchwork, but workbenches...

i set up my work benches in their final (?) spot, illuminated the space and even did clean out some junk.
(there really are some spots now, where the superfice of the bench is visible)

after sorting out most of the movingboxes from four years ago, i even found most of my tools.


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